About Us
Capitalcorp S.A. was founded in 1994 by eleven Colombian financial institutions to provide high quality investment banking services. The Company's Management carried out an MBO in 1999.
Highly qualified bilingual team with ample investment banking experience in Colombia and other Latin American countries. Capitalcorp and its leaders have implemented more infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (“PPP”) projects than any other Firm/Team in Colombia. Capitalcorp successfully implemented projects such as Bogota’s Transmilenio BRT system, privatization of long-distance services, and National Parks, urban furniture, urban parking, Bienestarina (food), municipal parks and convention center concessions, among others. The Firm also has successful working experience in energy, telecoms, water and sanitation, toll roads and the hospitality and financial industries.
Capitalcorp has worked extensively with multilateral institutions, international companies and banks, and has developed projects and prepared written reports on project analysis and implementation for multilateral institutions, including the World Bank, IFC, IDB and CAF, as well as international private companies and banks. Capitalcorp has advised municipal governments in capacity building projects working for multilateral institutions. Previous projects have included, strategic and financial advice to local governments and utilities. The Firm is currently advising Colombia’s National Infrastructure Agency (“ANI”) and Instituto Nacional de Vías (“INVIAS”) on PPP projects. The scope of work includes value for money analysis and validation, financial modelling review and risk assessment evaluation. The Firm has also structured and is currently working on PPP projects for major international players in Colombia and a national and municipal levels.
Capitalcorp is a leading independent expert in arbitration in Colombia. It has participated in some of the largest and most important cases in recent years in projects related to toll roads, ports, cell phone industry, television, oil pipelines, BRT systems, fuel, energy, health, water and sanitation, waste collection, construction and manufacturing.
Highly qualified team with ample management experience in investment banking across several industries and sectors.
Independence from financial institutions and investors which precludes conflicts of interest and maximizes access to potential sources of capital.
In-depth knowledge of the Colombian markets and its major players.
Access to high level corporate and Government officers and a regional relationship network enhanced by strategic alliances with firms in several countries.